I would like to introduce myself with a short review of the movie "Alone In The Woods":
(You need to Login or Register to view media files and links)My native language is german, so please don't take any unsuitable expressions seriously. For example, the most frequently used word in this forum, "cute", has a lot of different meanings if I look it up in a dictionary. That makes it kind of hard for me to describe a boy.
To give you an imagination of my taste, here are 3 boys, into whose eyes I could stare endlessly, flying away, dreaming...
- J. Brandis in "Neverending Story 2"
- M. Collin in "Leolo"
- M. Pomeranc in "Searching for Bobby Fischer"
Ok, now back to the movie.
"Alone In The Woods" is not a blockbuster, but is very fun to watch. The plot is told quickly: 10-year-old Justin (Brady Bluhm) goes on a Thanksgiving trip with his family, by accident he gets into the car of 2 kidnappers. He finds out they kidnapped a millionaire's daughter, manages to get back to his parents, they don't believe him and he takes care of business by himself...
The story has a funny sub-plot: a town sheriff with a really dumb assistant. He is SOOOO dumb, and he plays it great.
And the boy? He's wonderful: natural, smart and sassy (is this the right expression? Or is it rather saucy, ribald, perkily, insolent, impudent, impertinent, fresh, cheeky, bold? How should I know?).
Unfortunately I can't post any screenshots because this title is only available on VHS and I don't have a PC with videocard.
Don't buy that movie at amazon.con, the price is ridiculous for a tape ($25)! Get it used at the same site or at half.com.
The movie is watched best with a couple of beers!