If you search at the IMDb for "Boys will be Boys", you will get 7 hits! No wonder: it's a great title, isn't it?
This review deals with the version from 1997, which is a well made comedy. It is about a crime that took place at Robbie's (Drew Winget) and Matt's (James Williams) house, while their parents are gone for a company barbecue. The story is told at a police station, where the boys and the perpetrator (who still claims he's innocent) are interviewed by Police detective Palladino (Jon Voight), by flashbacks.
The movie features some funny examples of how over-worried parents sometimes are when they leave their children home alone. Indeed, for Robbie and Matt it's the first time that they are left without supervision, so that's what their parents advise them:
Mother: "I left the number for the police, fire department, ambulance, poison control, gas company, electric company; if you need to call anyone, well, call your aunt Birtha, call your grandmother, call cousin Eddie... I wish I had the number for the lord."
Father: "The TV goes off at 19:00 hours, don't play in the garage, keep away from my tools, don't walk on the new carpet, don't touch the kitchen appliances, and don't play in the closets."
These concerns aren't unfounded: as soon as the parents leave the house, they wreak havoc - well, they're
Josephk, I'm "discriminating" again by focusing on the cuter boy:
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