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Golden Eels (1979)
15. Jul 2003 at 23:41
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While surfing the web, I found that

is going to be on Czech television later this month. While it's doubtful that any of us will be able to enjoy it on TV any time soon, as a consolation I offer a few very nice promo pics of Martin Mikulás from the film.  Enjoy!

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Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #1 - 16. Jul 2003 at 01:04
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Wow.. what superb pictures!

I saw this film on TV about 20 years ago (twice in fact) but I wasn't able to videotape it at the time.  I notice I've only given this a rating of 7 (perhaps my memory has betrayed me). I'm going to bump it up to an 8 now that my memory has been jogged somewhat.

Thanks for these great pics Zab... are there any more?

I'm greedy  Smiley
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The Wish Meister

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Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #2 - 17. Jul 2003 at 00:10
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Sorry, these were all the pictures I was able to find for this movie.
I think this is all that was made available, but since I don't read or speak Czech, I can't say for sure.

The website had some other high quality publicity stills for programs upcoming on Czech Tv but nothing else I could find that would be on-topic here.
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Sir Jacob
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Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #3 - 17. Jul 2003 at 01:46
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I've always wanted to find this movie on NTSC vhs. Some movies that are really hard to find take me years and years to locate, but so far, I've come up with all of them sooner or later. Smiley

I sure hope that's true with this one!

Sir J
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Re: Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #4 - 18. Oct 2011 at 22:40
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Zlati uhori can be found easily on YouTube.

Martin Mikulás certainly is a heartbreaker. I made a few screenshots, one of which I show here.
If readers think the quality is good enough, I will post a gallery. Just give me a shout.

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Re: Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #5 - 19. Oct 2011 at 10:19
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There are a few poetic lines spoken by a narrator at the beginning of the film and a few more about halfway.
I will attempt to translate them.

Proč řeku tak miluji?
Snad proto, že jsou v ní ryby, anebo proto, že je volná a nespoutaná?
Kvůli tomu, že se nikdy nezastaví?
Snad proto, že sumí a že nedá spát?
Snad proto, že je tu věky, anebo proto, že každy den jeji vody v dálce umírají?
Anebo proto, že na ní můžes plout či v ni můžes zemřít?

Běžel jsem, abych se očistil jako hřísní v té indické řece Gangu.
Protože řeka je hluboká studna zapomnčni.

What makes me love though fear the river so much?
Is it because of the fish swimming in it so freely?
Or perhaps because its noise keeps me from sleeping at night?
Or maybe because of its neverending flow, enabling me to navigate in it and even die?

I run towards the river in order to cleanse myself like a Hindu in the Ganges.
The river allows me to forget...
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Re: Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #6 - 11. Nov 2011 at 02:43
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Some of you may have noticed that I have been concentrating on Czech films lately. Zláti úhorí is now ranking among my favourites. I gladly announce that I have been able to acquire a better quality DVD of this tv production. The gallery I sent before can now be replaced with really decent pictures. This will have to wait though. I am currently in the process of translating the dialogues. This is going to take a while, since Slavonic languages are not my forte. I do not envisage providing an .srt file, but who knows? There might be someone among our readers who could kindly assist me in this respect. Still: it is going to take many weeks if not months. In the meantime, let me show you one more screen shot.

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Re: Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #7 - 12. Nov 2011 at 13:26
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I spent some time completing the transcription of the Czech text. The biggest task still awaits me. Trying to translate will hopefully give me a basic understanding of the language. The main goal, however, was to get the gist of what the movie is all about.
I feel that I am now able to air a few lines of criticism.
The opening sequence is in black and white and it creates the impression of a comedy in the style of the twenties. It stands out like a sore thumb, although in itself it is rather funny.
The film then undergoes a total change of character.
Prdelka, the youngest of three brothers, is the centre of our attention. In a voice-over he contemplates about his boyhood and reminiscence of the war. When his father and brothers were taken away by the nazis, they wore the yellow star of David. How he himself escaped this fate, puzzles me. The family may have been Jewish, the film reveals ever so clearly that Prdelka was not circumcised. Thanks heaven for that!
The film offers a range of idyllic scenes interspersed with impressionistic depictions of the war. Near the end of the movie Prdelka's mother is arrested for hiding a paratrooper. It is the conclusion of a drama that will linger on my retina.
In spite of the weak points, I have thoroughly enjoyed this picture.
Finally, I wish to point out that the two elder screen brothers were played by Tomás Murdych and Michal Vejrostek. Martin Mikulás appeared in one more film: Láski mezi kapkami deste (Lit.: Love between the raindrops, aka The boy with matches, 1979).
« Last Edit: 13. Nov 2011 at 10:34 by Benjamin »  
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Re: Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #8 - 22. Nov 2011 at 02:34
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Here is my attempt at translating the text. I owe Zabladowski a lot of thanks for his assistance.
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Re: Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #9 - 22. Nov 2011 at 15:37
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Thanks a lot.  Subtitle file added to our database...

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The Wish Meister

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Re: Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #10 - 24. Nov 2011 at 03:29
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It's you who I will owe the thanks Benjamin.

Now I can watch the film and understand the dialogue!  Smiley

Thanks for your effort. There are a ton of Czech movies I'd love to watch but can't for a lack of subtitles.
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Re: Golden Eels (1979)
Reply #11 - 05. May 2022 at 10:03
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Benjamin wrote on 22. Nov 2011 at 02:34:
Here is my attempt at translating the text. I owe Zabladowski a lot of thanks for his assistance.

Thank you so much for this. Although I found the flow of the story a bit strange at first, your subtitles helped a lot! 👍
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