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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) 2010 Festival Releases (Read 73,110 times)
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Re: 2010 Festival Releases
Reply #30 - 24. Oct 2010 at 19:05
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Udaan (India)

After being abandoned for eight straight years in boarding school, Rohan returns to the small industrial town of Jamshedpur and finds himself closeted with an authoritarian father and a younger half brother who he didn't even know existed. Forced to work in his father's steel factory and study engineering against his wishes, he tries to forge his own life out of his given circumstances and pursue his dream of being a writer. Director's statement: "'Udaan' literally means 'to take flight'. It is the journey of a teenage boy wanting to break free from his shackles. Not surprisingly, it echoes parts of my life. If I had a rupee for the number of times I've heard people quip that my first film has finally taken flight, I would be a very rich man".

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Le Début De L'Hiver [Winter's Beginning] (France)

On a winter morning, a young boy walks along an isolated road in the countryside. A truck stops. The driver gives the boy a lift.

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Min dit [The Children of Diyarbakir] (Turkey)

Ten-year-old Gulistan (extraordinary performance by Senay Orak) and her younger brother Firat live happily with their parents in Diyarbakir, the heart of Turkish Kurdistan. Tragedy strikes when their mother and father are shot down by paramilitary gunmen before their eyes. Orphaned, the children are placed in the care of their young, politically active aunt Yekbun who soon disappears without a trace. As days turn into weeks, the money that their aunt left them runs out. Eventually, the children have to fend for themselves on the streets, where one day, Gulistan is shocked to come across the murderer of her parents… The film takes a straightforward, non-sensationalized approach to the issue of ethnic and political unrest.

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Coliva [The Cage] (Romania)

When Mihaes' little boy Alex brings home a sick dove, this causes new conflicts between father and son, but also a possible "reconciliation" that Mihaes needs very much.

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Re: 2010 Festival Releases
Reply #31 - 27. Oct 2010 at 04:23
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AFI Fest, Nov 4 - 11, 2010

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The Wish Meister

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Re: 2010 Festival Releases
Reply #32 - 21. Nov 2010 at 06:34
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Thanks for the contribution Hosenhaus.

I recently saw Delmer Builds a Machine at a film festival. It was pretty funny.
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The Wish Meister

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Re: 2010 Festival Releases
Reply #33 - 21. Nov 2010 at 06:53
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Continuing on to Argentina for the Mar del Plata film festival....

Los Caminos que Esperan (The Roads Ahead) [Argentina]

Lucio is 10 years-old and lives in the country with his parents. He plays alone in the mountain recording the sounds of nature and dreams of moving to the city and work in TV when he grows up. In fact, that’s the only connection he has with that other part of the world he longs to see. One day, two city characters come into his house by accident; one of them is Carlos, who works in TV. This will be a very important day in Lucio’s life.

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Jutro bedzie Lepiej (Tomorrow Will Be Better) [Poland]

This is the sad story of three kids who are alone; three dirty-faced angels and a stubborn wish: to get to the border and cross it to a place that represents not so much a different country as a different world and the promise of a new life. Adolescence is yet another frontier two of them are closing in to, and every step they take together –alongside the youngest one, who’s six years-old– has an element of initiation: the nights spent on a train station; the water collected from a stream and the bread obtained thanks to the toothless smile of the youngest one; the meetings with strangers, who are sometimes generous but also hostile; a sneak peak at a sexual encounter in the woods. An expert with children actors, Kedzierzawska knows how to avoid easy sentimentalism and gratuitous display of misery, and relies on the authenticity in the relationships between her young stars, who protect each other –with no lack of disagreements, fights, or the occasional and very natural mean deeds– and translate their deprived and difficult world into an impulse for freedom.

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Playing in London....

La Nostra Vita (Our Life) [Italy]

Claudio is a blue-collar builder, almost blissfully happy with his ordinary family life, with his wife and two children. Then, tragedy strikes and Claudio sets off on an obsessive quest to become rich and successful by taking on an almost impossible-to-complete contract to construct an apartment block in record time. Claudio uses all his own, his friend’s and his family’s resources to try and succeed, while in fact coming closer and closer to disaster and ruin. Anchored by an intense and very impressive performance by Elio Germano (Romanze Criminale, Quo Vadis Baby) as Claudio, Our Life is a gritty, yet warm and human story. Almost like an Italian Ken Loach, director Daniele Luchetti depicts authentically working class life in Italy and the struggles of one man to rise above the corruption and compromises that beset him.

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Imani [Uganda]

This assured first feature from one of East Africa’s most talented women filmmakers deals with three parallel stories in the course of a single day in Kampala and its environs. The beautifully crafted drama takes us into the lives of three characters: a former child soldier, a maid and a hip hop dancer. Mary (Rehema Nanfuka) is an independent young woman who returns from a village to a wealthy suburb in the Ugandan capital, where she works as a maid for a rich couple, while also having to take responsibility for her sister, who is in an abusive relationship. Olweny (Stephen Ocen) is a traumatised 12-year-old, returning home from a rehabilitation centre where he had been recovering after four years soldiering in the bush. Armstrong (Philip Buyi) is a talented dancer and DJ with a turbulent past, who plans to return with his group to the city slums to stage free dance performances, but is confronted by the dodgy characters of those he had left behind. The wide panoramas of the diverse settings and the complexities of all the characters are simply conveyed, while a soundtrack blend of both contemporary and traditional music maximises the film’s charm.

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« Last Edit: 23. Nov 2010 at 05:34 by Zabladowski »  
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The Wish Meister

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Re: 2010 Festival Releases
Reply #34 - 21. Nov 2010 at 07:04
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From San Sebastian

Pa negre (Black Bread) [Spain]

In the harsh years of post-war rural Catalonia, Andreu, a youngster relegated to the losers’ side, comes across the bodies of a man and his son in the woods. When the authorities want to pin the blame on his father, the boy decides to try and help him, setting out to find out who killed them. The experience teaches Andreu moral awareness in a world of adults nourished by lies. To survive, he betrays his own roots, eventually finding the monster deep inside himself. Agustí Villaronga has already participated at San Sebastian with Tras el cristal.

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In the Telluride Film Festival

The First Movie [UK]

What’s it like to be a child in war – not when the conflict is raging, but when the war tide is out, as it were, when kids are telling stories or playing games? The First Movie is about the “not-war”.
It came about because director Mark and producer Gill separately went to Kurdistan. They loved the place and wanted to make a film about it. Mark thought it would be best to focus on kids, because their minds are uninhibited and developing fast. A good way to try to see inside those little minds, he thought, would be to give the kids cameras and let them film what they liked.
Mark and Gill travelled around Kurdish Iraq in 2008, and chose the village of Goptapa as their location, because of its beauty and hopes for the future, but also because it has a tragic past.
Influenced a little by 1001 Nights, The First Movie is a “magic realist” documentary, one of the first of its kind. It certainly doesn’t skirt the suffering of Goptapa but, rather, it shows how such suffering co-habits with other things, such as wonder and imaginative development.
One little boy in the village said he’d like to fly slowly over Goptapa. In The First Movie, that might just be possible.

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From the Vancouver International Film Festival

Twelve-year-old Lali wins a bar of chocolate that contains a winning coupon for a Vespa motorbike inside the wrapper. The motorbike is in Budapest. He leaves his community in Bereghát not only to find the prize of his dreams, but also his father, whom he has not seen for a long time.

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« Last Edit: 05. Dec 2010 at 15:54 by Zabladowski »  
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Re: 2010 Festival Releases
Reply #35 - 27. Jun 2011 at 01:35
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Callan McAuliffe
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Luke Hobbins
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Woof! Woof!

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Re: 2010 Festival Releases
Reply #36 - 02. Nov 2015 at 16:14
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Zabladowski wrote on 24. Oct 2010 at 18:53:
In Warsaw

Peters Rum [Peter's Room] (Sweden)

It's late morning, but Peter's mother is unable to get him to get out of bed. Could there be another reason why the boy is pretending to be asleep?

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Watch it on Vimeo:

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Woof! Woof!

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Re: 2010 Festival Releases
Reply #37 - 07. Feb 2017 at 08:00
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Got to see Ferran Rull in Héroes (2010)
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Really enjoyed it!

Definitely worth a look

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