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Normal Topic Can anyone identify this film? (Read 2,855 times)
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Can anyone identify this film?
02. Feb 2020 at 19:44
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Someone on my YouTube channel has asked if I can identify a film. I don't know it myself, but here is his description of the scene he remembers:

In one scene, a boy who was probably hiding from bullies inside a church was caught by the bullies inside this church. There was like 5 bullies and one of them was the leader and he gave orders to the other boys hold the bullied one. The bullied one though surprised them by shoving one of the bullies against a bench and started choking him until he fell between two benches (he is not seen getting up after that). Then he punches the leader I think and runs away off the church while the other bullies check if their leader's okay. Do you know what movie could this one be?

Well, as I say, I have no idea, but does anyone here know?
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