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Birth (2004)
12. Jun 2004 at 02:38
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from the uk sun newspaper.

Nicole romp with boy, 10


NICOLE Kidman has sparked outrage with her new film in which she gets passionate in the bath with a ten-year-old boy.

The shocking movie Birth will feature bizarre scenes of her nude and getting romantic with an underage lad she believes is the reincarnation of her dead husband.

But horrified executives may have to pull the plug on the £30million production after seeing the final version of the movie, according to a US magazine.

The weird flick sees Kidman playing a widow, and two scenes have got New Line Cinema hot under the collar. Kidman and the boy strip off together to submerge in bubbles and then they even lock lips.

Insiders say the film has been plagued by constant creative battles and rewrites. Now angry executives have protested to producers that the bath and kissing scenes are “borderline disgusting” to watch.

And the PR companies who are supposed to be promoting the film are calling it “a publicity nightmare,” reports The National Enquirer.
the boy :


Date of Birth: January 26, 1993

Cameron Bright's first starring role in a major motion picture came at the ripe old age of nine in Godsend, starring Rebecca Romijn-Stamos and Greg Kinnear as his parents.

A native of Nanaimo, British Columbia, Cameron's first television role (aside from commercials) was playing the younger version of Joe Lando's character on the TV series Higher Ground (2000).

In the CBS TV movie The Christmas Secret (2000), Cameron played the younger version of Richard Thomas' character this time.

Two years later, his career really heated up with guest appearances on Dark Angel and Night Visions, as well a part in the TV movie Lone Hero.

The same year, he landed roles in two major motion pictures, although they wouldn't be released until 2004 -- in The Butterfly Effect, he played seven-year-old Tommy and in Godsend, filmed in the Toronto area, he played eight-year-old Adam.

The role of Adam was a demanding one, because the director needed a young boy who had the ability to appear endearing at one moment, and frightening the next. Cameron excelled in the difficult task and immediately afterward was cast in Birth (2004), playing a ten-year-old boy who is believed to be the reincarnation of a woman's late husband. This time, Cameron starred opposite Nicole Kidman and traveled to New York for filming.

Quickly becoming one of the most in-demand young motion picture actors, Cameron recently found himself in Shanghai, shooting the sci-fi flick Ultraviolet (2004) with Milla Jovovich. He plays the role of Six, a boy who grew up in a laboratory, where his only friend was a white lab rat. Six, whose blood contains the antigen that could wipe out humanity, is caught in the middle of the "blood wars."

When not working, Bright continues to live with his family in Nanaimo.


Ultraviolet (2004)
Birth (2004)
Godsend (2004)
The Butterfly Effect (2004)

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Sir Jacob
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Re: birth
Reply #1 - 12. Jun 2004 at 11:22
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Thanks for the update on Cameron Bright, apple.  He sure is getting some good roles lately! 

I don't think this movie (Birth) will ever survive with that scene intact, at least not in the USA.  The way the laws are written now, any scene that even simulates a depiction of sexual activity between a minor and an adult could be construed as child porn by any local District Attorney (or even private citizen who wants to file a complaint).  Someone would surely be filing charges against actor, director, and producer (criminal charges), and the "artisitic merit" of such a depiction or its relationship to the storyline wouldn't matter in some jurisdictions.  Even nudity by an adult in front of a minor could be construed as indecent exposure, in the opinions of some, so they'd have to prove (to some people) that it was an underdeveloped stand-in who did those scenes, or risk the outrage and ire (and possible criminal charges) of too many crusaders to make it worthwhile to leave such a scene in the movie.

Sorry to say that, but I don't think I'm off-base to make that observation.

Well-done post, by the way!  Thanks.

Sir J
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Re: birth
Reply #2 - 14. Jun 2004 at 01:35
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I really want to see that movie, and not just because of the controversial scenes. Jonathan Glazer is an extremely talented young director (Sexy Beast was brilliant) and I'm sure he did a great job with this movie. It sounds like a very beautiful story about love, loss and grief, and I really doubt that the scenes are as shocking as they make them out to be. Hopefully, they'll be able to release this without having it be completely butchered by the censors.

By the way, I saw Cameron Bright in Godsend. Terrible movie, so it's hard to tell if he is talented or not. (Robert De Niro sucked in the movie and we all know he's talented, so that shows to what extent the director can sometimes be blamed for poor performances by some actors.) He was very appealing, though, and I can see some potential. I hope this movie gets released so we can see him in a better role.
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Re: birth
Reply #3 - 14. Jun 2004 at 12:39
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this movie sounds intresting  i be tthta sceen will get  cut. or if they keep it in the show it  from the pov of kidman and have her imaging her husband. kind of like the way they did the scene in ghost wehn patrick swayze went into whoopi goldbergs body. i hope this makes sense.
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Sir Jacob
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Re: birth
Reply #4 - 14. Jun 2004 at 13:05
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<i>i hope this makes sense.</i>

Yeah, that does make sense.   Grin

I suppose they could do it that way and it would still make sense in the movie, and it would be a way to handle it without ruining the storyline.  Not that I'd like it as much, mind you.  Smiley

Good observation, gee.

Sir J
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Re: birth
Reply #5 - 14. Jun 2004 at 14:17
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i treally thnink if handle theyhandle it the right.t way the scene could stay in the movie. they only other idea i have on how it go be doone is maybe with shdows on the wall.
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Re: birth
Reply #6 - 14. Jun 2004 at 19:30
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This "story" is making the rounds on the tabloid entertainment shows in the US now. I'm starting to wonder if it's just to hype the movie.

It seems to be working in here.  Roll Eyes

P.S. When does the film open in the US, Apple?  Grin
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Re: birth
Reply #7 - 14. Jun 2004 at 19:44
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That's a very sharp solution, gee.  I do hope the producers don't think of it though. Grin
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Re: birth
Reply #8 - 17. Jun 2004 at 04:22
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Zab - AFAIK it's TBA.

nicole was mentioned in gossip column of the daily express - june 4.

<i>the delectable nicole kidman has been holding forth about the joys of motherhood and, like just about every other multi-million dollar-earning global superstar, is at some pains to emphasise how ordinary she is.

she has just spent the weekend checking out the latest models at the new york car show with her 10-year-old son, connor.

"i have a boy who loves cars so, of course, i took him", she trills.

"i walked fast but we chatted to dealers, picked up brochures and looked at cars.

"i take my kids [she also has a 12-year-old daughter called bella] to baseball games, the movies, the theatre, the car show and we even went to the cat show at madison square garden where we discussed which cat we'd get once connor outgrew his allergies.

"we're a mad, mad family but i'm their mother and i want those memories to be there."</i>___________________

kidman must enjoy living up to her name.

she was also in a turn of the screw type movie.

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Re: birth
Reply #9 - 04. Jul 2004 at 05:19
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a cameron bright movie's just been released in the uk.


it got positive uk press reviews.

under discussion at risingstars forum :

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british tabloids have been going haywire because kim basinger has a similarly controversial sex scene with a 16-year-old in her new movie.

the boy ain't boyish.

see his pic at imdb below.

inane rant from

<i>I just submitted an article about these types of films. (I don't know if it will be posted or not)
At any rate, Yeah, I heard about this, and while it sickened me I was certainly not suprised.

There is yet ANOTHER "female pedophile" movie coming out called "THE DOOR IN THE FLOOR" in which Kim Basinger (of all people) "seduces" an under age teenaged boy.

"ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT" called these two movies "controversial" but lauded them, also saying they were "romantic" and "ground-breaking"(????)

"Ground-breaking", What the hell is THAT supposed to mean?!?

By now it is more than a LITTLE obvious that female pedophillia is the "big thing" with not only HOLLYWOOD but with a lot of American women in general.

Of course when MEN seduce teenagers (or younger) it is "PEDOPHILLIA" but when women seduce minors it is called a "life-style choice".

It is seen as "sexy", "vouge" and "romantic".

I often hear women say "but the boy wanted it!" and "it's every boys fantasy to have sex with an older woman"(???!!!???)

This GARBAGE has GOT to STOP! It's bad enough when adult men molest kids, but when men do it it is called what it is; A CRIME! But when women do it and OPENLY admit doing AND enjoying it it is over looked as "Harmless fun" and, as usual excused away!

Excuse me I have to go PUKE!

"Hoka hey!"
A member of the outlaw gender.</i>

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Re: birth
Reply #10 - 04. Jul 2004 at 15:39
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I think what he means is "It ain't fair!"  Grin
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Re: birth
Reply #11 - 05. Nov 2004 at 23:54
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According to something that I saw on CJ celebrity Justic.  They said that the scene of Nicole and Cameron in the bath was acually comupter generated.  I don't know if that is true but from what I was told that scene was done on the computer.  I still would like to see the movie is sounds interesting and makes it seem more realistic in some aspects and not in others.

Pyro Smiley
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Re: birth
Reply #12 - 06. Nov 2004 at 12:46
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Godsend is released here in the UK next week, I will be obtaining my copy then Smiley
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Re: birth
Reply #13 - 08. Nov 2004 at 09:13
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i saw htis movie over the weekend i found it left  to many questions at the end. it was intresting. it had and overall creepiness to it.  the bath tub scene was really nothing after all the up it was done in a good way. the is no bathtub kiss like some  sites said. the aprt that bugged me about the movie was that wehn camreon bright started remberming who he was in the forme rlife his pernts would just lewt him go off and stay at nicole kidman house i sorry but it dont belive in this day and age that would happen even under the situtation of the movie overr all i give the movie a plus thew acting gets and a plus.
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Re: birth
Reply #14 - 08. Nov 2004 at 11:04
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Just seen it myself, and yes gee, the bathtub scene really isn't anything much.
I really liked it as a movie, I have to say. Haven't really seen anything with Nicole Kidman in before, but her performance was pretty good. Cameron was very good as well.
And yes, it does have an overall creepiness - but I really liked that, and the long, almost static scenes.

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